External Scholarships

其他奖学金机会对新生和归国学生都适用. 这些奖学金是“外部”奖学金基金,由各种外部组织的合作伙伴关系或赞助. 根据与各合作院校的协议,奖学金信息可能会发生变化.

奖学金申请于2月1日至3月1日接受,必须通过电子邮件发送给财政援助 & Scholarship Office at  financialaid@wolaipei.com prior to the deadline.

See more information provided below.


Scholarship Title Description Program
Abby Olberding Makovicka PTA奖学金申请
  • Must be a current PTA student.
  • Enrolled a minimum of half-time.
  • PG电子APP的平均绩点为2分,过去的学术成就扎实.5 or higher.
  • Demonstrated financial need (determined by current FAFSA) may be considered.
  • 表现出领导能力(参与活动、委员会、辅助专业人员等)
    professional organizations).
PTA, undergraduate
  • 本科学历,放射学或医学影像专业.  
  • Clarkson College GPA of 2.5 or higher.   
  • Medical 影像专业人士追求学术学位,或获得一个 additional PG电子APP3D打印专业认证.  
  • 计划在中西部地区(东北)从事放射学/医学成像领域的护理实践, IA, KS, SD) after completing Clarkson coursework.  
  • Scholarship will be for one academic year.  
  • Previous 获奖者有资格获得一个以上的学年,如果委员会 deems them as the best applicant.
Jennifer Etheredge纪念奖学金申请
  • Must be an undergraduate nursing student.  
  • Must have a d emonstrated financial need ( determined by current FAFSA).  
  • The scholarship will be for one year. Previous recipients would be eligible to receive again, if the committee deems them the best applicant.
Nursing, undergraduate
Jodi Neff Schultz奖学金申请
  • 就读于PG电子APP放射学和医学成像专业  
  • 表现出过去扎实的学术成就,平均绩点不低于3分.25  
  • 致力于为社区和他人服务.  
  • 经济需求证明(需要FAFSA完成).

奖学金申请于2月1日至3月1日接受,必须通过电子邮件发送给财政援助 & Scholarship Office at  financialaid@wolaipei.com prior to the deadline.

赞助奖学金不同于我们的创始人奖学金和社区奖学金, 以前称为合伙学费储蓄或合伙奖学金. 有关这些奖学金的更多信息,请点击 here.

你正在寻找的奖学金可能不会在这个页面上公布. Please go to the main "Scholarships" webpage 浏览各种奖学金选择和PG电子APP. 或者PG电子APP的财政援助办公室,找到一个奖学金,可能是最适合你的.

奖学金只是学院提供的一种经济援助. 其他经济援助机会包括助学金, work study opportunities, and a variety of loans, 包括当地赞助和联邦贷款的机会. Clarkson College encourages students to 探索所有可用的经济援助方案 并且只借他们需要的钱来支付他们的教育费用.

Contact Us

Financial Aid Office
PH 402.552.2749 FX 402.552.6165
Financial Aid: financialaid@wolaipei.com