
Degree Awarded:
Certificate in Psychology

Length of Program:
2-3 semesters

Application Deadlines:
Accepted year-round
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Degree Overview


在线20学时心理学证书侧重于心理学, social, 以及影响个人心理健康的行为因素. 个体的社会心理行为和发展受社会因素的影响, political, cultural, and geographical context. 程序课程承认这些复杂性,以提供一个全面的教育经验.

在最后一个学期,学生要完成一个实地工作经验课程. 动手,体验式学习机会有利于和丰富项目课程. 这种经历将有助于把课堂以外的知识转化为未来的职业.

对该课程感兴趣的学生可以在各个领域申请他们的证书. 完成证书后,继续使用 Psychology Bachelor's degree or diversify with 我们的另一个校内和在线课程.

Click here to view the degree plan.


Tuition and Fees

2022-23学年的估计费用. Rates are subject to change. Find out more information about costs, tuition, and fees.


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Financial Aid

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Undergraduate Tuition

Cost per Credit Hour

Cost per Semester
$13,570 - Full-time (20 hrs)
$6,785 - Part-time (10 hrs)

Undergraduate Tuition$671 / credit-hour
Fees - Included in cost per semester
第一次学生的注册费 $150/ each
Degree Specific Fees - Not included in cost per semester

Career Overview

Median Salary

$61,000 (Payscale, 2021)

Job Outlook

  • 心理学家:预计到2029年将增长3%
  • 特许心理健康咨询师:预计到2029年将增长25%
  • 组织心理学:预计到2029年将增长3%
  • 人力PG电子APP经理:预计到2029年将增长6%
  • 卫生管理:预计到2026年增长20%
  • 医学研究科学家/临床医生(博士.D.): Expected to grow 6% through 2029
  • Clinician and Higher Education (Ed.D.):卫生保健教育工作者预计增加26%
  • Clinical degree (Psy.D.): Expected to grow 3% through 2029


Career Options

  • Mental health services
  • Human resources
  • School psychologist
  • Psychiatrist’s office
  • Higher education institution

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