

Interprofessional education (IPE) promotes teamwork and improves collaborative skills for positive health care outcomes. Clarkson College students optimize their roles within an interdisciplinary team by completing IPE 301, a five-module course designed to provide an overview of health care professionals’ roles and responsibilities. The first four online modules (completed in the first semester) focus on teaching effective communication, collaboration and leadership skills that promote teamwork within an interdisciplinary health care team setting. The fifth module requires students to put their interprofessional skills into practice by participating in three IPE activities before graduation. IPE 301允许学生练习提供道德, client-centered care while understanding the importance of personal accountability and professionalism.


The PG电子APP跨专业教育课程 现在可供想要了解更多IPE知识的专业人士使用. 获得最多9小时的继续教育.

IPE Requirements

  • All incoming degree-seeking students enrolled in on-campus and online programs must complete the course before graduation.
  • IPE 301 is a zero-credit, pass/fail course that is recorded on every student’s transcript.
  • The course appears on all academic plans distributed by the Registrar’s office and posted within Self-Service.
  • Students must register for IPE 301 in their first semester and are responsible for the $140 course fee.
  • 学生在第一学期完成前四个模块.
  • Students have until graduation to complete their 3 IPE experiences as part of module 5.
  • All reflections must be submitted within 90 days of completing the IPE activity, 否则他们将不会被接受. 

IPE Questions

萨拉·弗拉纳根,城市生活垃圾,MPA, LCSW
社区卫生署署长 & Interprofessional订婚


Approved IPE Events

*Students must attend at least 3 different interprofessional activities/experiences, one from each   categoryPG电子APP(Clarkson College)毕业之前. Following each event, students will complete the IPE Reflection through their IPE 301 online course shell (Module 5). 所有IPE反思必须在事件完成后90天内提交, 从而保持及时和高质量的反思.

以下是经批准的IPE经验列表. Students can choose from   upcoming events, recurring events, or even   video recordings  of past IPE events. 定期添加新事件, so please visit this page often to see the wide variety of opportunities available to you.

If you would like to submit a different activity for IPE approval, please complete the   IPE Activity Proposal. Please allow ample time (at least one week) between submission and when the activity is set to occur; this allows the IPE administrator time to review your proposal and respond back to you regarding its approval status. Please remember, 所有IPE经验必须预先批准, 否则它们将不计入您的My IPE要求.

IPE Event Calendar

要查看已批准的IPE活动,请使用本文中的说明 detailed handout to add the IPE Events Calendar to your own Clarkson College Outlook calendar. 然后,您可以从自己的设备上轻松方便地查看IPE事件. 

Recurring IPE Events

*Please see IPE Events Calendar for specific dates and registration information

Please check the IPE 301 course announcements for a detailed list of courses that qualify
IPE Category: Service

Fall, Spring, Summer

Fall, Spring, Summer
IPE Category: Knowledge

Standardized Patient
IPE Category: Service


Day of Caring
Fall & Spring

IPE Category: Knowledge


ATA -国外学术旅行
Medical Visit
Fall/Spring Trips
IPE Category: Knowledge

NSLS Honor Society
Fall/Spring discussions
IPE Category: Knowledge

多样性,公平,归属感 & Inclusion Committee

Book Club discussions
Fall/Spring discussions
IPE Category: Knowledge

Heartland Innovations in Interprofessional Practice and Education Summit (HIIPE)
Virtual Conference
IPE Category: Knowledge

以下全国性的散步活动是预先批准的: 全国精神疾病联盟(NAMI)步行, American Heart Walk, Crohn's and Colitis Walk, March of Dimes Walk, 阿尔茨海默病协会散步, 青少年糖尿病研究基金会步行, Race for the Cure, 白血病和淋巴瘤基金会步行, American Cancer Society, Heart and Stroke Walk, MS Strong, Boys Town Run, Step Up for Down Syndrome, Rally for Life, etc.
IPE Category: Service


Weed Out the Facts - IPE类别:知识、社区

蘑菇和致幻剂 - IPE类别:知识、社区

Bigger than a Body - IPE类别:知识、社区

Bystander Intervention - IPE类别:知识、社区

培养积极性:影响,心态 & Motivation - IPE类别:知识、社区

Imposter Syndrome - IPE Category: Knowledge

预防自杀训练 - IPE类别:知识、社区

Supporting Survivors - IPE类别:知识、社区

毒品、酒精和你的事业 - IPE类别:知识、社区

Inherited Trauma - IPE类别:知识、社区

自制便当盒:自我护理计划 - IPE类别:知识

Alcohol Education Event - IPE类别:知识

Emotional Intelligence - IPE类别:知识

Domestic Violence 101 - IPE类别:知识


To access these and other recorded Student Support Team IPE events, go to the  PG电子APPYouTube“PG电子APP”频道.

从过去记录的IPE事件多样性,股权,归属 & 共融委员会会议.  


  • 印第安人传统月
  • Cultural Cafe
  • Poverty Awareness
  • Disability Awareness
  • Refugee Health Awareness
  • LGBTQ+ Inclusion
  • Human Trafficking
  • Hispanic Heritage Month
  • 第一代学生成功日
  • 国际残疾人日
  • DEI和Rise再入计划

访问这些和其他记录的多样性,公平,归属感 & 包括委员会的IPE活动,请访问  Diversity Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, 及归属委员会(DEIBC) Resources Website.


View Video Recording

View Video Recording

长COVID小组报告-医疗保健 & Community Professionals
View Video Recording

View Video Recording
IPE Category: Knowledge

IPE Event Categories

Service experiences are integrated into your curriculum in separate courses.  它们由学术目录中的钻石符号指定.  You can choose any service learning project from any service course to fulfill this requirement for IPE 301.

你也可以选择你在社区做的外部服务. If you choose this option, the rubric linked above must be completed to seek approval.

Knowledge experiences provide new information and insight into various topics, 并包括由多样性赞助的活动等机会, Equity, Inclusion, 及归属委员会(DEIBC), alumni association, student support team, national honor societies, etc. 工作资助的教育或其他社区活动也可能符合条件. If an event is not listed below, complete the rubric above to seek approval.

Community experiences may be related to the Clarkson College community or the greater community in which you live.  These experiences may include opportunities such as events sponsored by the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, 及归属委员会(DEIBC), alumni association, student support team, national honor societies, etc. 个人或其他专业社区活动也可能符合(e).g. volunteering, faith-based projects, public speakers, civic involvement, etc.). If an event is not listed below, complete the rubric above to seek approval.