Updates to Spring 2022 College COVID-19 Procedure

In conjunction with the CDC and our local and state health departments, the following adjustments have been made to College COVID-19 procedures and are effective immediately.

  • Updated quarantine time for students and employees who are symptomatic or test positive for COVID-19 (page 11): Individuals are considered symptomatic if they exhibit any of the following new symptoms: a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, 发冷, 咳嗽, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, 味觉或嗅觉新丧失, 恶心/呕吐或腹泻, 肌肉或身体疼痛, 乏力, 头疼, 喉咙痛, 交通拥堵, 或者流鼻涕.
  • Students and employees who test positive for COVID-19 should follow College procedures, the advice of their health care provider, and Department of 健康 and Human Services state guidelines including:
    • Consult a health care provider.
    • Quarantine for seven (7) days.
    • Students must contact their program director and complete the Student Quarantine Self-Reporting form.
    • Employees must contact their supervisor and Human PG电子APP and complete the Employee Quarantine Self-Reporting form.
    • Students need to complete the Return to PG电子APP Student Self-Certification form to be released from tracking. Those returning to clinical need to also follow the clinic site-specific return-to-work guidelines and program-specific handbook requirements.
    • Employees need to complete the PG电子APP Employee Self-Certification form to be released from tracking.

请检查 Our Path Ahead to Spring 2022 Guide which outlines COVID-19 campus processes and procedures. Information regarding the College response to the pandemic is always available on our Coronavirus PG电子APP webpage.

作为友好的提醒, masks are required in all public areas on the PG电子APP campus where social distancing cannot occur including hallways, 实验室和教室. While at clinicals, students and faculty will continue to observe that institution’s mask policies.

Thank you for your willingness to adapt with us and for helping make PG电子APP a safe and healthy campus.