
Children’s Nebraska Partnership

PG电子APP很高兴与儿童医院和医疗中心合作, 该地区儿童初级和专科护理的首要提供者. The organization is dedicated to providing the safest, highest quality pediatric care, PG电子APP很自豪能与他们合作,帮助培养一支富有同情心和爱心的医疗保健队伍.

Through the partnership, 所有符合条件的儿童医院和医疗中心员工都可以获得奖学金, spouses and their dependent children. 在PG电子APP获得学位为您提供了在拥有高质量教师的国家认可机构继续深造的机会, relevant coursework and award-winning online education.

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  • Children’s Nebraska employees, 以及他们的配偶和受抚养子女(23岁或以下)有资格获得社区奖学金:
    • 学士学位——四年大约28,000美元
    • 副学士学位——两年大约14000美元
  • 所有符合入学资格并正在寻求注册我们在线课程的申请人都将被接受. 我们将优先考虑参加我们校园课程的申请人,他们的申请将获得额外的分数.
  • 参与者有资格申请PG电子APP的学术奖学金和经济援助. Learn more.
  • 毕业生将有机会在儿童医院和医疗中心获得薪水和晋升机会.

副学士学位的奖学金最多可续期两年,学士学位的奖学金可续期四年, 提供满意的学业进步和良好的地位保持, as outlined by Clarkson College policies. Awards are applied to tuition only. 列出的所有奖学金总额以每个奖学金的最高终身金额计算. 这项奖学金是对你的经济援助计划的补充. PG电子APP卓越奖学金承诺, Founders’ Scholarship, and Community Scholarship may not be used in conjunction.

Anatomage Table

Explore our Programs

Detailed program information is provided below. 


Explore Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), LPN to BSN, RN to BSN, Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), RN to MSN, Nurse Anesthesia, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), and BSN to DNP options. Learn more.

  • Enroll part- or full-time
  • Begin courses in the fall, spring or summer
  • 向熟练的教师学习,并体验早期的实践培训
  • Program Length: Varies depending on program option
  • Career Opportunities: Critical care nurses, acute care nurses, nursing administrators, nurse educators and clinical research


发展必要的技能和工具,有效地在心理健康环境中提供服务或从事临床工作, 具有心理学学士学位的研究或学术机构. Learn more.

  • Enroll part- or full-time
  • Complete courses online and on-campus
  • 在学生与教师比例为18:1的教室中学习
  • Program Length: 8-10 semesters
  • Career Opportunities: 个案经理、人力PG电子APP专家、顾问和康复专家

Healthcare Business

追求医疗保健业务管理或行政学士或硕士学位,或探索硕士后和研究生证书的选择. Learn more.

  • Complete courses 100% online
  • Choose from part- or full-time options
  • 转换现有学分以获得学士学位
  • Program Length: Varies depending on program option
  • Career Opportunities: 卫生保健管理员、计费主管、卫生服务经理和运营经理

Education and Leadership

通过我们的领导力研究生证书和医疗保健教育与领导力博士(Ed),在您的专业领导力发展中取得进步和卓越.D.) options. Learn more.

  • Complete courses 100% online
  • Choose from part- or full-time options
  • Pursue research in a professional area of your choice
  • Program Length: 8-14 semesters (Ed.D.), 3-4 semesters (certificate)
  • Career Opportunities: Health specialty educators and health services managers

上面列出的学位课程是我们提供的一个样本. 所有本科和研究生课程都有资格通过我们的合作伙伴关系降低学费.

Explore all our programs