
Brown’s Medical Imaging Partnership

Brown's Medical Imaging 

PG电子APP很荣幸地宣布我们与布朗医学成像中心(BMI), 一个为现代医疗保健提供放射学解决方案的组织. 符合条件的BMI员工及其配偶和受抚养子女, as well as BMI Service Contract Members, 现在有资格获得PG电子APP的奖学金吗.

PG电子APP获得学位或证书为您提供了在拥有高质量教师的国家认可机构继续教育的机会, relevant coursework and award-winning online education. This is truly a partnership, a joint belief in you and your potential, 我们渴望帮助您获得职业发展所需的知识和技能.


布朗大学医学影像学院和PG电子APP都致力于提供高质量的体验, excellence, teamwork and integrity. 我们期待着促进这种伙伴关系,因为我们将继续为全国各地的员工和医疗保健社区服务."


  • All Brown's Medical Imaging employees, 以及他们的配偶和受抚养子女(23岁或以下)有资格获得社区奖学金:
    • Bachelor's degree -- Approximately $28,000 over four years
    • Associate's degree -- Approximately $14,000 over two years
  • 所有符合入学资格并正在寻求注册我们在线课程的申请人都将被接受. 我们将优先考虑参加我们校园课程的申请人,他们的申请将获得额外的分数.
  • 符合资格标准的员工和服务合同成员将有机会参加由美国放射技师协会(ASRT)批准的各种继续教育(CE)活动。. Annually, BMI将选择获得免费注册(最多70个座位)的员工参加CE活动.
  • 参与者有资格申请PG电子APP的学术奖学金和经济援助. Learn more.
  • 使用代码:BMI@Clarkson免除35美元的申请费.

副学士学位的奖学金最多可续期两年,学士学位的奖学金可续期四年, 提供满意的学业进步和良好的地位保持, as outlined by Clarkson College policies. Awards are applied to tuition only. 列出的所有奖学金总额以每个奖学金的最高终身金额计算. 这项奖学金是对你的经济援助计划的补充. The Clarkson College Commitment to Excellence Scholarship, Founders’ Scholarship, and Community Scholarship may not be used in conjunction.

Explore our Programs

Bachelor’s Degree in Medical Imaging

通过获得学士学位,提高您在医学成像领域的职业机会. Learn more.

  • Complete coursework 100% online
  • Earn your degree on a part- or full-time basis
  • 参加高级课程和实践实习,为CT等专业模式的小学后认证做准备, MRI, CI/VI, mammography, BD and SIMM/PARCA.
  • Median Salary: $67,000
  • Job Outlook:  到2028年,放射学和核磁共振技术人员的就业预计将增长9%.
  • Program Length: 6 semesters

Certificate in Medical Imaging Informatics

Complete four, 为期六周的课程,为成为一名成功的图片存档和通信系统(PACS)专家做准备. Learn more.

  • Complete courses 100% online
  • Earn eligibility to sit for the PACS certification exam
  • 获得旨在提高医学成像服务准确性的系统知识
  • Median Salary: $73,539
  • Career Opportunities: PACS administrator, PACS specialist, or systems analyst
  • Program Length: 2 semesters

Certificate in Medical 3D Printing Specialist

学习将3D打印技术应用于医疗保健领域,以改善患者护理和结果. Learn more.

  • Complete courses 100% online
  • Become proficient in the 3D printing process
  • Use your skills to help reduce surgical time, improve surgical preparation, decrease fluoroscopy time, lower cost to patients, and increase education and interprofessional collaboration
  • Career Opportunities: Medical 3D printing lab
  • Program Length: 2–4 semesters

If interested in other opportunities available to you, 减免的学费适用于所有本科和研究生课程: Undergraduate and Graduate Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Community HealthHealthcare Business, Health Information Technology and Education & Leadership.


How to Apply

迈出医疗保健新道路的第一步 apply today. 使用申请代码BMI@Clarkson免除35美元的申请费.